The recently concluded National Association for Non-Governmental Organisations (NANGO) Expo in Harare was a resounding success for us. Our innovative soil testing laboratory van captured the attention and interest of the other fellow exhibitors, the media, the government, and a diverse array of stakeholders who graced the event. The event, which brought together various organisations from the NANGO Northen Region Cluster, provided a relaxed and interactive platform for local NGOs to showcase their products and services.

School children from different schools learn about soil analyses and their importance in agriculture.
The invited guest Councillor Womberaishe Nhembe, who was representing the Honorable Mayor of Harare, His Worship Councillor Jacob Mafume, was among the first to get into the van to explore its capabilities. He dedicated his time to tour the soil testing equipment inside and briefly conversed with our Director Mr. Mashingaidze, and our technician, Mr. Shadreck Mtambo. His ken interest to tour the van expressed a powerful endorsement to the van’s potential impact on the country’s agriculture and environmental management.

The Guest of Honour at the 2024 NANGO Expo, Councillor Nhembe (centre) chats with FPC Director Mr. Mashingaidze (right) and FPC soil lab technician, Mr. Shadreck Mtambo at the Harare Gardens.
The event unlocked potential partnerships and engagements with several stakeholders and partners. Through its presence at the expo, the van became a symbol of both innovation and collaboration. It ignited the partners, stakeholders, and donors’ interest to join hands in a collective effort to promote soil analysis services across Zimbabwe.

This story is not just about the van being solely a technological marvel but it’s also about a vision for a greener and more productive land. It’s an invitation to engage, to invest, and to be part of a movement that values the very earth beneath our feet.
We call upon all who share our vision to come forward, to contribute their expertise, their resources, and their voices to this noble cause. Together, we can ensure that every farmer in Zimbabwe has access to the best soil analysis services, that every field is given the chance to yield its best harvest, and that every grain of soil is treated as the precious resource it is.