Diploma In Agroecology

Diploma In Agroecology


About The School

Fambidzanai Permaculture Centre offers a Diploma in Agroecology programme in affiliation with the Bindura University of Science Education (BUSE).


The Diploma in Agroecology is a two-year programme that aims to equip Zimbabwe’s agriculture extension workers with the knowledge, skills, and values to practise and promote sustainable agriculture that is based on ecological principles, social justice, and local food systems.

The programme is also open to anyone who has a passion for agroecology and wants to make a positive difference in their communities and beyond. The programme covers topics such as principles of agroecology, soil health, water management, crop production, animal husbandry, agroforestry, food processing, marketing, and policy.

The programme also involves practical sessions, field trips, research projects, and community outreach activities.

The programme is accredited by the Zimbabwe Council for Higher Education (ZIMCHE) and is supported by Brot fur die Welt Germany and the Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Water, Fisheries & Rural Development.

If you are interested in applying for the programme, you can download the application form below and submit it along with the required documents and a non-refundable application fee of USD20.00.

You can also contact the School of Agroecology Coordinator Mr. Shepherd Kudakwashe via email at skmudzingwa@fambidzanai.org.zw for more information. The programme has limited intake capacity, so apply early to secure your place.


At least have FIVE Ordinary Level passes that include a Science subject, Mathematics and English Language with a grade C or better

OR have at least FIVE Ordinary Level passes that include Mathematics, English Language, a Science subject and a Certificate of Agriculture of not less than TWELVE months course duration or equivalent.

How to apply

NOTE: All applications must be done on the official application forms which can be obtained from Fambidzanai Permaculture Centre or downloaded upon payment of a non-refundable application fee of USD20.00. All downloaded forms must be accompanied by a valid receipt of payment or bank deposit slip clearly indicating the name of the applicant).

All applications must be accompanied by certified copies of the following documents;

  • ‘O’ and/or ‘A’ Level certificates
  • Birth certificate
  • National Identity & other relevant documents

You can also APPLY ONLINE

Payment details

Account Name: Fambidzanai Training Centre-GA Account

Account Number: 3027509200151

Bank Name: FBC Bank

Branch: Private

Branch Code: 8104

Written applications should be submitted to

The Coordinator

Fambidzanai School of Agroecology
4 Dovedale Road, Stapleford, Mt Hampden
Harare, Zimbabwe
Email: shepherd@fambidzanai.org.zw
Phone number: +263772114326, +263714251909, or +263778004208 or +263773553600