Increasing Resilience of Resource Poor Farmers Through Seed Sovereignty
Project Summary Report The objective of the project was to: Increase production, saving, exchange and use of farm saved traditional seeds and grains. Achievements Increased seed production, saving, exchange and use of farm saved seeds. Seed production, saving and use among 468 seed growers in 26 Seed Study Groups increased by 35%, 30% and 25% […]
Farmer-Managed Organic Conservation Agriculture & Livelihoods (FOCAL) Project
SUMMARY Project Goal The overall goal of the FOCAL project was to create a prosperous, self- reliant communities that are food and income secure as well as living in a healthy and sustainable environment. Objectives The Specific objectives of the project were: – To facilitate the establishment and functioning of a farmer-managed organic production system […]
Water Infrastructure Development Project
Project Summary The Water Infrastructures Development Programme (WIDP) was initiated in 2011 and pinned its focus on a cluster of outcomes which sought to support communities’ ability to access portable water and practice hygienic standards as well as moving towards appreciation and application of natural resource management principles, including the adoption of the notion of […]
Transforming and Strengthening Agriculture Extension Services In Zimbabwe (TSASAZ)
CONTEXT OF THE PROJECT The focus of this current project is to build the capacity of local agriculture extension agents through the provision of formal agroecology learning. Through various participatory approaches, the agents are expected to then facilitate the transfer of permaculture skills and knowledge to the communities they are working with. From the project design; […]
Strengthening Sustainable Agriculture and Marketing (SSAM) Project
OUTCOME 1 IMPROVED SUSTAINABLE HOUSEHOLD FOOD PRODUCTION Our M&E statistics do not indicate much difference between the end of 2015 status and end of 2016 in terms of field crop productivity since they were both affected by the drought. The disaster was avowed a national disaster due to the level of destruction it has caused. […]
Renewable Energy Empowering Women Farmers in Zimbabwe (REEWF)
Project Goal Economic empowerment of women smallholder farmers in Zimbabwe through access to clean energy Project Objective Improved agricultural productivity and livelihoods through increased access to renewable energy, improved agroecological farming and increased access to finance and markets. SUMMARY The Renewable Energy Empowering Women Farmers (REEWF) project, in Zimbabwe, is being delivered under very challenging […]
FPC Quality Management and Market Access Programme
Objectives of the project Effective project management and co-ordination To increase agricultural production under organic To improve Permaculture techniques and practices among small holder farmers Enhance production, income earning opportunities and market access for participating farmers. Relevance and achievement of objectives Objective 1: Effective project management and co-ordination At the beginning of the year […]
Permaculture Integration and Market Access Programme
Permaculture Extension Services Project
SUMMARY The major objective of the project was to improve the food insecurity situation, and the general livelihood of the people living in the Svosve area. Smallholder farmer group formations 30 farmer groups practising field crop production and market-oriented organic horticulture projects were formed. The groups have also established their own leadership structure with a […]
Permaculture Consolidation and Market Linkage Programme 2011-2013
SUMMARY The expected impact of the interventions was to influence an improvement in agricultural productivity and income generation through permaculture practices for over 90% of the participating communities from the two wards of Dema and Madwaleni. In the period 2011 – 2013 Fambidzanai Permaculture Centre implemented the “Permaculture Consolidation and Market Linkage Programme 2011-2013” in […]